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EL - English Learner Program
Speech and Language
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At MQHR, our art program is designed to inspire enthusiasm and excitement in every lesson. We strive to integrate art into as many aspects of learning as possible, helping students see that art is a part of everything we do. Through art, students learn to make thoughtful judgments, understand that problems can have multiple solutions, and recognize how small details can create a big impact. They develop the ability to think both creatively and critically within various materials, and express what words alone cannot. At MQHR, art provides unique experiences that can't be found elsewhere.
MQHR Students have the opportunity to learn an instrument by playing in the school Band. Class instruction begins in the 5th grade and continues through middle school. Band students meet by grade level two times per week and present 3 concerts each year. These annual performances include a Christmas Concert, a Spring Concert and the Diocesan Area Band Concert held each March. Middle school band students also have the opportunity to participate in events sponsored by the Kentucky Music Educator’s Association. These events include the regional Solo and Ensemble Festival and the District 7 Honor Band.
Media class at MQ is a combination of library and computer classes. PreK-5th grade come to Media once a week. Preschool concentrates on the love of books. We do activities based on a variety of books. The 4 year olds work on mouse skills towards the end of the year to prepare them for Kindergarten. Kindergarten - 5th grade work on a variety of library skills including parts of books, where books are located in the library, and how to find books appropriate for them to read. The computer aspect of Media classes concentrates on correct usage of the computer. This includes: keyboarding, mouse skills, Digital Citizenship, and Internet Safety. Starting in 3rd grade we use Typing Club and Google Classroom to enhance students learning.
The music program at MQHR offers students a musical experience based on the National Standard of Music. This year, students often start or end class with a special school-themed song that we learn as a community. The elements of music are being taught through a new classroom interactive technology package called “Groovy Music.” Fourth grade students learn recorder techniques as a pre-band preparatory / instrumental skill. Middle school students learn music history, musical theater, opera, jazz and Broadway musicals. We are currently participating in School Jam, which is sponsored by Music Educator’s National Conference. In addition, the music program sponsors the Christmas program and middle school spring musical annually.